Monday 6 December 2010

Music Magazine

After completing the front cover and contents page of a school magazine I will now start developing ideas for a music magazine. I will be designing a front cover, a contents page and a double page spread. Like for the school magazine I will research front covers and contents pages and develop the type of photographs I will use. Further I will look at the type of double page spreads that are available now, to lead up to my final design.

This type of magazine focuses on hip hop/ urban culture which consists of articles, interviews and prescription information. Below is a mood board showing the type of photos I may have replicate to match the genre of the magazine:

My magazine is going to be called 'tempo' as I feel it fits in with type of music I want to feature in magazine.
There a number of pages of the right hand side of my blog to the development to my final pieces OR click the links below.

Front cover/ Photo analysis
Contents page -
Font Research -
Two page spread -

Monday 13 September 2010

School Magazine

 For my first Media task I am creating my own school magazine here is my current plan:

School name- Rotherhithe Technology College (RTC)

Size of the school- Newly opened, approximately 800 11-16

Location- Rotherhithe, south east London

History- Recently opened secondary school, continually growing

Name of magazine- RTC STANDARD

A magazine to the council/ parents, showing them what is happening with this newly opened school, from the departments to extra curriculum activities. The magazine is meant to portray the new modern school and how its differs to other schools in the area.

Theme- School life of newly opened school

On the right hand side of my blog is pages to the various research I carried out to reach up to my final design OR click the links below.

Front cover -
Font Research
Contents page -

Monday 6 September 2010

Media is a means of communication either through newspapers, radio, magazines or television. I personally feel that it has a massive influence on the way people live their lives and the decisions that people make. As a subject I feel that it will help me have an deeper understanding the various types of communication and the influences they have on all types of people. It will cover aspects that will help me any type of job I might decide to go into in the future. Media Studies covers so many areas which I will be very intrested to learn about; from photography to article writing. Not only do I want good grades but to learn the different ways to communicate to different types and people that I may meet in life.

For my AS level I will be making two products a magazine for a school and a music magazine, this blog shows my progress.