School Magazine- Photographs

Here are some practise shots that will help me with my final photograph. The type and poses and expressions I have chosen to photograph are developments from my school magazine front cover research:

From my research I have developed my own ideas. Many things will be changed when talking my final shots.The background will be plain colour either white or a bright colour or an outside setting so it can relate to more school magazine photograph. The flashing of the camera that I used affects some of my photographs so I might have to change the way I position myself and the people I am photographing. I quite like the poses I have chosen so they will be similar. I will just work on improving how the shot will be taken.
Here are number of my developed shots which I will be using for with my final front cover design:

The idea that I want and which has come out of my magazine research is that the school itself is a place where you can relax and have fun. A place in where you want to go and learn. Something that is not like any typical school magazine cover.

Here I have removed some of the lines which were in the background by using the cloning stamp. Many of my researched front covers had plain backgrounds, so it will give my magazine more of a professional look.