Music Magazine- Two page spread

Since this would be the first time I have attempted to create a double page spread I have to do a considerable if research into it similar to my contents page and front cover research.

This is obviously not an example of a double page spread however I very much like the layout and design and can be applied into a double page spread. Just within this page It goes over the minimum of photographs required for this task which is a bonus. There a simple yet effective colour scheme, the orange, white work well as a combo.The design does abide to the rule of three and the text has be set into columns that do follow this rule. Like I have mentioned before there has been a number if photographs that have been used in this articular and to do follow the colour scheme that is going on through the colour of clothing and the background that they have been placed on, but personally I may not use the same amount of pictures, however I think that this sort of layout will suit the theme for my double page spread- 'her rise to fame'. The writing is clear and spread out and easy to read and must be applied to the two attract my target audience, as it is the main feature of the magazine.

Again this example will help me with the theme I am trying to go for in my double page spread. There are only two pictures in this design and do take up some space however text has been placed on top, and a clear sort of background, technically look like a more difficult design to pull off. Reds, blacks and white has been used throughout the two pages and for my design I want a set colour scheme, but I would not use so much black on the page but for this page it does work quite well. There is quite a lot going on the page so elements of the two pages need to be organised well. Text have has been set in colours and two photographs have been used as the background on both pages; bold fonts have been used which is not do much to my taste however on a positive note the page reflects the artists personality and this something that I want to incorporate in my two page spread as it is showing the artists journey into the music industry.    

This design and layout is not one of my favourites. It is quite plain however in this particular case that simple suits the look. Like the previous two there is a clear colour scheme of white and shades of purple. This does not portray an r n b theme but I do like the concept of the layout, and I think some aspects of this design can be used for my contents page not the double page spread. There is too little text and gives of an very boring impression. The double page spread is the main feature of the magazine and should not give off this impression.

This particular design has similar features to the first and second example as it is something that I personally thinks fits well with the look and type of magazine. Within all the designs the examples photographs do take up most of the design and something that I have noticed in my contents styles as well. Since my target audience is more for the younger generation and having too much text may overwhelming and an individuals image and look is very important; and too much text may put a person off. The clothing of the group go well with the actual style of the two pages there is clear colour theme of black, whites; shades of golds and brownssliver and grey. And this like many of the other magazine designs. In a way I do prefer this design compared to the second because there is not much on the going on the page and is therefore clear and more readable. Again I will need to think about the photographs I will feature in these pages. I want to continue a theme through the magazine to make it look that more professional look.

I want my double page to consist of photo taken from my the front cover of my magazine so that there is a link. Her herself and her story is the main feature from the front cover and the magazine so I think that this link is necessary. She is also featured and is the main in the contents page so it is important that those shots are linked. i will be also be using InDesgin to create the double spread. The name of the whole article is called "Her rise to fame" which is similarly featured on the front cover. It is basically an article giving the inside story of Alisha Brown ( fictional artist) a how she became a success in the music industry and a contrast of how life is now and how it was before. So it will it include the pictures as she is know from the contents and front cover shots and maybe some photos from "previously". Family photos? making the story more realistic. I have researched through the form of reading other articles that these sort of articles would contain some sort of interview with the featured artists or close family members and friends are asked questions; this again can be something I can include in my double page spread.

Below is my process:

 To start I wanted to completely separate my actual text an photographs and idea adopted from my research.  

I chose to use a black background to place my text on, an idea I also did get from my research.

As I continued through making the double page spread, I wanted to the colour scheme to be similar of that of the front cover. So there was that link. The 'artist' is the main feature of the cover so this type of link is necessary for the magazine.  
I also started adding photos to try and portray a transformation.

From my school magazine task, I have tried to keep the concept of the rule of three, but in this design is not that apparent. But I did try and move around pictures and text boxes to see how it looks and fits the page. 

 Since the photograph, did not cover the who page, I added a coloured background to fill the extra space, in the Jamelia double spread example the page is sperated into thirds however all are not equal, and I have used this idea in my desgin.