Music Magazine- Contents


As part of my music magazine research I am going to look in the type of contents pages I can use for coming up with an idea for my final design. This is an continuation of the research I started to do for front covers.

This contents page is in black and white and therefore is more challenging to analyse, also this page does not necessarily suit the genre of music that the type of music that I want to sell. However I can use it as an guideline for a possible layout for my own music contents page. For this page there is no need for an artificial background a from looks the photograph has been taken outside, but the problem with this that you will need to find the appropriate setting and this setting must fit the type and genre of the magazine. If I was going to consider taking this route I would have to thinks carefully if the chosen setting will fit the theme of music.
 The lettering is very small and looks difficult to read. To make the design more viewer friendly I would personally increase the font. I do however think that the white on black makes the text stand so the sizing of lettering does not have to be too big. This design challenges the idea of the rule of three from a landscape angle But the page look is very dynamic and works well for the page as a whole.The photograph is the main focus of the page and the text is placed on top of the picture through editing. The photograph has been taken from quite a considerable low angle so when I am taking shots for magazine I will need to think of from what angle that they will be taken for the picture to stand out especially when the picture is the main focus of this particular design.

For this particular contents page the photograph is the main focus of the page and does not so much follow the rule of three. However the look is dynamic and interesting again works as a whole page.The designer of the page could make the text bigger however the I think the this particular size of text is used keeps the focus of the photograph. Not much colour is used excluding the photograph, where most of the colour comes from. Again keeps concentrates on the photograph, the photograph itself has been taken with an artificial background unlike the first example, this is personally will be easier and quicker way than finding the right setting for the genre of music. The models used is have a have a cool look from the style of clothing, the pose and facial expressions. There clothing reflects a hip look and fit in well with the theme and the genre of music that I am doing for my magazine. On the models themselves there is not too much make-up and make- up is something that I will need to take in consideration when doing this page as well as my front cover. The dressing is not too revealing and something I could find to dress my own models in. Photograph wise this design is achievable.This type of contents page differs to the 'normal' types and challenges conventions of a typical contents page. It is different which is the main reason why I like this design.  I particularly like where the pictures have been positioned. Personally I would use a different theme of colours but I think it gives off a cool look. I think after taking my own set of photographs I could use this type of layout for my final design. 

This design is similar to the first design to fact that text of 'contents' is positioned the same way also the picture is unique and at the same time interesting and is the main feature of the page.  The pose is very different and like the first example I will have to think on how and what angle the picture will be taken if I was doing a similar pose. The clothing is not revealing and contradicts that women are used as sex icons however all her legs are showing but the helps bring out the pose that has been chosen so the clothing works well with the pose chosen. The models foot have been placed in front of the text- contents, again that has been through editing.
I feel that the layout abides to the rule of three and if the final design of my content page turned out like this I would be very pleased. However personally I would used an larger font size and style and maybe a broader range of colours. Like the first example I think the colours work well backed together. The colours are also very bland and I would personally use a brighter scheme to attract attention. But there there seem to be an icy cool theme and this defiantly comes across in the photo the colours used and font. Again a hip and blues theme come across and targets the genre of the music featured in the magazine.

This particular contents page brings attention to the photo and is very similar to the previous two examples. However there are brighter colours used and the picture and the contents page itself has been edited quite a bit which can be done through various computer software's such as Adobe photo shop. Compared to the other designs this seems harder to create the final design but is more creative and is more to my taste. Drawing and sketches have been scanned in to give the finishing touches. Having this drawings give the magazine a fun and lively look. It is very difficult to see the text and as an improvement the text should be enlarged or should all be in white and bold so that it can stand out against the chosen background. Viewers of the magazine may be put off it they are the content within flipping the first page of the magazine. The page is different and like the last two examples I would like my final design to aspire to this with the necessary changes. The model herself is also very interesting and her type of clothes she is wearing, the pose that has been captured up to the the expression on her face fit the fun theme and will captivate youth, also the fact that the model used is well known assist with this to increase attention, my model would need to have face that is strong yet inviting to draw attention. The model used in this example have very similar features of the model that I am using.

This contents page uses the page like the previous example, the model is in the last third and text is situated to the left of the page. The picture has been placed in front and behind some of the text through editing techniques her skin and clothing match the colour theme of the page; which is a white, black and red which give layout a cool look. Unlike the other female models that I have used throughout my research there has not been so much make- up applied to the models face which I can try with my model especially if she has soft facial features but the has a strong upper face to compensate

Overall I want a ongoing theme to go through my magazine, I look must modern and new and this should come across in my contents page.  

I really liked this particular photograph so instead of using a full length photograph like many of the example I found in my research but I still tried incorporate ideas that I got from my research into my final design.

In my research I did found that the photograph to the majority of the space, and I have tried to use this idea in a different way- horizontally rather than vertically. I also added a colour background behind the text.

To give the page that extra dynamic I used the gradient tool the give a gradual shade to the background, a feature that was shown in my research. I found that even the simple look of my magazine has a striking impact. To add page numbers were also altered.