Music Magazine- Front cover

Before practically starting the making of the front cover of my magazine I have started looking at previous designs from Vibe magazine which I like and try and include elements from this particular magazine to my own final design, my aim is to keep the design focused and this research will reflect from my final design. Accompanied with picture analysis this will help keep the focus of my shot. I'm looking for shots and front covers that give off an RnB theme.

Picture & Front Cover Analysis

Compared to the previous magazines with the element of text and titles used there is a lot more which conveys the idea that there is a lot with in the magazine so to some people this would look more interesting. Through editing techniques the chosen photograph actually overlaps the title of the magazine, which gives it an dynamic look and different to what a common magazine structure. The rule of three is clearly used and the picture have been placed directly in the second third. Likewise there is an obvious colour scheme, the colour of the model has been used with some of the font colours and the colour of her jewellery has been applied to certain fonts. The magazine has been put together in detail. The photograph used is interesting so immediately draw viewers not just because of the person used but the pose chosen. When making my final design I will have to brain storm certain poses that with the help of my research so that the look is not boring and dull. I personally like the look of the magazine and I feel that the the fonts, colours, editing and the photograph have worked well together to make an final design.

This magazine cover has a clear colour scheme which gives it a professional look. The black and white photo works well with the background and the colour used for the fonts and titles. Black coloured font is used which matches the colour of her make up and hair as well as some blue font that is used which matches the chosen background.Even the bar code is working with the colour scheme.Colour has been picked well. The shadow that has come from the photo gives the front cover more of a dynamic look. Through editing techniques, the title of the magazine is on top of the photograph so the magazine title of magazine can be clearly seen, and stands out from the rest of the cover.The photograph is obviously of a well know artist so it is appropriate for the the type of magazine, the pose that has been chosen is quite strong yet subtle and works well with the particular colour that have been used. The blues and whites used gives it a soft look. However by looking at the magazine briefly it does not seem to follow to the designing technique of the rule of three and therefore does not look like it has a particular structure.

This magazine cover has a very similar look to the first example. It has an simplistic look and it works very well. I personally like this particular design. Red, black and white work well together as a combo. It is also a cover that will stand out just because of the simplistic features, the pose is very simple and at the same time classy however this is an contrast to the bold either bright and dark fonts and titles. The rule of three is more baitly used in this cover and there is a look of clear, solid structure which works effectively as an whole. Even though there is not much on the text compared to many other music magazines because of the design it is intriguing for example the use of quotes and certain article titles. However some of the font used is difficult to read and has the chance of putting a potential reader off. It is key that the cover is easy to read.  

This photograph keeps the theme of a cool, clean look like the previous example, however the look is quite seductive and it will not be assured that my chosen models can pull of this look. The editing of black and white colour gives the picture a classy impression. From the second example there is a strong neck line and in this photo facial and body features are very storng, this backed up with her neck jewellery and eye make there is some what an egyptian look, so the photo comes across as hard and strong. The particular pose that is very similar to many of the photos on my mood board which is shown on my front page.

This magazine follows a similar design to the first two examples, but the colour scheme differs completely. Graphically it looks difficult to structure. I like the bright, warm colours used (pink,blues and yellows). The picture has been edited to be tinted to a blue and yellow. The cover is much more dynamic than the rest so people will be much more intrigued at first glance which is the purpose of a magazine cover. Again the rule of three consistently used in the structure of the magazine, the look of the magazine is not amateur. There is some what a fresh look to the magazine, and the photograph used aids to keep this type of theme. The picture is clear and I will need to make sure that this applied to the type of photographs that I use not only for the front cover but for the contents and for my two page spread. Again there is a strong neck line and personally is something I can go away and do.

For my magazine I must choose the right people, for the theme and genre of the type of music magazine.
I have chosen a person to give a new, modern, cool for my magazine than develops from front cover research , I feel that they both have the look that is appropriate for my magazine.The chosen girl have different looks that will helps aspects of the magazine. The model will be featured in either the front page contents page and the two page spread. So that I can fulfil the look that I am going for in my magazine I will have to apply make up and make sure that they are dressed correctly for the shoot. From research I can see that the chosen models that some sort of make-up have been applied to the her face and the clothing obviously suits the theme of the magazine. To reach a high standard this will have to be delivered in my own shots.



From my research I have chose the clothing, the make up and poses. When taking the pictures I used me own lighting to try and show off the best features of my model. However a re shoot is very likely to gain the best photos for the magazine  To improve these shots I will be editing them on photoshop like my the shots I took for my school magazine. Again from research many of the photos featured in music magazines are edited.

Here I have used the Sepia effect, I have also adjusted the level shadows and highlights making the background look smooth without the wrinkles from the original shoots.

I have simply used a black and white effect and an idea developed from my picture analysis it give the picture a cool a sophisticated edge.

Again I have used a black and white effect but focused the colour to the centre of the models face, drawing attention to facial features.

Here I have tinted the picture, and is effective when following a particular scheme

This particular picture has an arty look, as I smoothed out the background using a blurring tool and increased the lighting on the face.

With this picture I have used the grain tool as the photo was getting this effect when editing it.

After editing these shots I tried to plan up a possible idea for my final front cover. Below shows a number of print screens of my process.

I experimented using this particular image as i think it is different and links very well with my photo analysis, however when placing text and the different features that will be on my from page, I decideded that different photo from my shots will be apporpriate

I then chose the last photograph which is on the second page of shots

Before using InDesgin and started the makings of my final copy, I played around with the picture and my chosen final font desgin. I though that it work well and continued to play on this idea.

Like my school magazine and mentioned before I am using the programme InDesgin for my front cover of my magazine. Within the programme I have found a similar font that I personally complements and assits well with my chosen font used for my title. I played with the colours that I use in some of the featured text and decided to go with red as this again relates with my research.  

Later on in the design process I thought that I would use a slightly different font to head the magazine which gave the look of the magazine more of an edge and twist. Additionally I added a red band to give the more colour and make it more vibrant which is an idea developed from my research.

(Final Design in InDesign)