Saturday 12 March 2011

Evaluation (Music Magzine)

Main Task- Music Magazine

Looking at your preliminary task, what have you learnt in the progression from it to the full product? 

  • Just by looking at both end products there is a vast difference of the level of quality, from the photos to the type of text that I am using. This is just an example of how much progressed in this course. Out of the two I do prefer the look of my music magazine as I feel it has an edge to it. The school magazine is something that you would expect and personally there is not one particular something that stands out from the piece in contrast to my music magazine- tempo. In my music magazine I think that I incorporate the pictures and words very well.  Also there are many improvements that can be added to the pages that I created especially my front cover. I think that the lack of quality does partly come from not be used to how the editing programmes, and the different softwares I used for the two tasks. Even though for both tasks I developed ideas from research the level of outcome differs as it is later on in the course and a topic and theme that I can relate there are also more examples available. 
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 


How does your media product represent particular social groups?
  • The whole aim of the final look of my magazine is that it is has a cool theme, so it can therefore relate to the younger generation. So in the process of making the three pages for this task I had thoroughly think about the type of text used, how that is then presented, the font used, the type of clothing the model is wearing; the facial expression of that model and also they are posing. These components are all essential when trying to represent a social group as well as attracting my target audience. I do think that my  product does represent. The Language I have featured in the magazine allows them to understand, relate and hopefully discuss. The photographs are there to help potential readers to again be able to relate to the magazine, as they may be dressed as they would or the model appears to have a sense of style which young people usually admire. The facial expressions and pose backs this up also. The model looks at ease, in the selection of photographs I have taken the various effects that I have used give it that edge and difference e.g. black and white effect adds the cool, hard theme, which was used in my front cover. So to conclude I think it represents a young generation.   When doing this task I have had feedback that it does look like is is for my initial target but is more for girls, and this something that was an issue with my first task, even though I do think that I have improve there still is work to be done so that does not occur again.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?


  • The magazine's target demographic is predominantly young, urban followers of hip-hop culture so it has a similar target audience.Quincy Jones launched Vibe in 1993, in partnership with Time Inc, and was previously owned by Miller Publishing  in 1996 then The private equity group Wicks Group of Companies in 2006. Currently InterMedia Partners, LP have purchased Vibe Magazine. Having both a similar target audience and content my magazine tempo would need comparable publication and distribution ownership however Vibe is based in the US. Music Magazines based in the UK like Q may be a better option.

Who would be the audience of your media product?

Mentioned many times in my coursework, my target audience is a young generation who follow and that are interested in the hip-hop culture. Above are photographs. Below is a music video of the type of music the magazine is promoting to the target audience. (Selected from YouTube) 

How did it attract and address your audience?

For this evaluation question I produced a QUESTIONNAIRE and distributed it to my ideal target audience for my magazine to see their personal thoughts about my task.  I asked a sample of 10 people.

  1. By look at the front cover do you think 'Tempo' is something that you would buy?
  2. Does the look interest you?
  3. Reading the contents page what feature interests you the most?
  4. By glance is the two page spread is something you can read and relate to?
  5. Rate the magazine out of ten  
  6. If there was one thing that could be improved in all the pages made in the magazine what would it be? 

RESULTS: All people that I did ask, said that there was some that they liked about the magazine- the majority of this group said that they like that there was not too much going on all over the page and the simplicity made the magazine look good. 9 out of 10 said that the magazine looked like it would interest them but the disadvantage of this figure is that mainly girls said this, which was noticed from feed back during the process of making the magazine and something that I did try to alter. However content wise it is a product that would suit both genders. 10 out of the 10 people that I did ask said the the main feature that they noticed about my designs is the double page spread, which was the idea,

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


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